quick FOnt selection
To start off I picked out a couple fonts to work from. Testing out kerning and keeping the tall sans serif feeling as per Dr. Charks preferences. I ended up landing on ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std and sticking with it throughout.
initial Ideation
From the 2 examples of logo designs the doctor liked and a guideline to keep a gold colouring I got to work. I tested out many variations of significant elements from both logos; the figure from “Med Center” and cropped letters from “HS Clinic”.
I picked my favourite of the figure sketches and sent off some of these logo examples for feedback with my team and then started on the next part.
Review process
With feedback on the direction of the logo and some comments to change the figure I moved to make it more simple; taking out definition in the back and even removing the arm. Also combining the figure and cropped letters which we liked.
We also tried working with a dark blue to contrast with the gold. Ultimately Dr. Chark preferred the first figure and stuck with a pure gold logo but agreed that the dark blue could be a good accent for further work with the business card and website.